Untitled (2005)
Acrylic on Canvas 30"x30"
Code : MA901
Rs 350,000 | USD $4,730
Born: 1956
Education/Training: No formal training
Exhibitions: Exihibitions at Kolkata, Mumbai, New DElhi, Japan, Holland and South Korea. Several paintings in private collections in India and abroad.
About:Mannoj’s painting draw it’s strength from the impacts on his mind of events in the city life. But he still admires the folk artists, the simplicity and spontaneity of folk art. There are, therefore, pronounced elements of folk art in his painting through its content in his experience of the immediate reality around him. Folk form and feel come to his paintings as naturally as the tune of folk songs that springs from the depth of the folk-singer’s heart. He tries to achieve the same simplicity and directness in his work.